Long-Term Benefits Of High-Quality Early Care And Early Education
One of the greatest challenges faced in this era of disparity is the widening gap between children growing up in strong, economically secure families—within thriving communities—and children who are not. As our nation’s education achievement gap grows, so does universal recognition of the importance of high-quality early care and education.
Our economic future depends on providing the tools for upward mobility and building a highly educated, skilled workforce. The most effective way to achieve these objectives is through early childhood education, yet a great number of kids are being shut out of this system.
At Wunderkind Academy, our mission is to ensure that all children, especially our most vulnerable, have access to those critical early learning experiences that build the foundation for life-long success.
Wunderkind Academy recognizes that nutrition education has a place in the daily curriculum of a childcare environment. Wunderkind Academy program is creating awareness among children that learning about what you eat is as important as knowing one’s letters and numbers. By providing high-quality early education that integrates health, nutrition, and family support into our daily curriculum, Wunderkind Academy proves its ability to significantly improve the outcomes for so many disadvantaged children.
We are anchored with a clear purpose and commitment to the communities we serve. We know that building a solid preschool foundation is essential for our community and for our children’s future success. But we can’t do it alone. We invite you to learn more about how you can make a difference, and together, we can turn the Philadelphia education achievement gap into an education achievement opportunity!